Disables the control
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "<img>1</img>Asia(4600),<img>2</img>Africa(1300),<img>3</img>Europe(747),<img>4</img>North America(579),<img>5</img>South America(433),<img>6</img>Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComEnabled to False
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Show icons

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Send ComImages "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yNAOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA="
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "<img>1</img>Asia(4600),<img>2</img>Africa(1300),<img>3</img>Europe(747),<img>4</img>North America(579),<img>5</img>South America(433),<img>6</img>Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Displays the control's version
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Showln (ComVersion(Self))
Changes the control's border (EBN)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComAppearance to |CI$1000000
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600),Africa(1300),Europe(747),North America(579),South America(433),Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the control's border

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComAppearance to OLEFlat
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600),Africa(1300),Europe(747),North America(579),South America(433),Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Display the logo on the control's background

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant vPicture
	Get ComExecuteTemplate "loadpicture(`c:\exontrol\images\card.png`)" to vPicture
	Set ComPicture to (vPicture)
	Set ComPictureDisplay to OLEUpperRight
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the control's font

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voStdFont
	Get ComFont to voStdFont
	Handle hoStdFont
	Get Create (RefClass(cComStdFont)) to hoStdFont
	Set pvComObject of hoStdFont to voStdFont
		Set ComName of hoStdFont to "Tahoma"
		Set ComSize of hoStdFont to 12
	Send Destroy to hoStdFont
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows the value-scroll (vertical scroll bar for area-compatible chart types)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComMisc OLEexAllowValueScroll to 1.5
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
No values are shown

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexShowValueIf to 0
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + value"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
No labels on category-axis are shown

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 15
	Set ComMisc OLEexShowLabelsIf to 0
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value mid 9 left 2"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
No category grid lins are shown

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComMisc OLEexShowGridLinesIf to 0
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
No category ticks are shown

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComMisc OLEexShowTicksIf to 0
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the lower and upper margins of the valueSize property (CTRL + Middle button and drag to resize the values)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueSizeRange to "1,12"
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Even though I set the AutoFit property to False, the control still gets resized when I click CTRL + Middle button
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 8
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueSizeRange to "0,8"
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the angle (in degrees) the value-line is rotated by, when the values goes up(positive) or down(negative)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueLineUpAngle to 0
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueLineDownAngle to 90
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Green,Black,Red,Lime,Orange,Red"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,331,-1390,-276,1225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (value format ``)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "line"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the additional angle (in degrees) the value-line is rotated by

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueLineAddAngle to 0
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the distance to extend the value-line by

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueLineExt to 12
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + value"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the distance from the edge of the outer circle where the values are displayed

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueDistOuterCircular to 0
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,red,black,2"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the distance from the edge of the inner circle where the values are displayed

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueDistInnerCircular to 8
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the padding between rings of the "pie" chart-type

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexPaddingInsidePie to 12
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "141,139,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie1 to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie1 to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Requests for a new layout once the serie's visible property is changed

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComMisc OLEexNewLayoutOnVisibleChange to False
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<c>` + category + `<br><c>` + (percent format ``) + `%`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Prevents rotating the labels

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexRadialRotateLabels to False
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radarColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the angle (in degrees) to start the circular-compatible charts (radial or pie)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexCircularStartAngle to 0
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radarColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines polygonal instead of circular

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexRadarPolygonal to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "radarColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the distance (proportionally with the valueSize property) between the first, next and last value of the same category and its border

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexMarginValueRatio to 0.5
	Set ComMisc OLEexPaddingValueRatio to 0.5
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "9900,3300,980,190,90,8" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Send ComEndUpdate
Ensures that the marginal labels of the value-axis ensure fit the axis's client-rectangle

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueAxisFitLabel to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Prevents updating the margins/minimum/maximum of the value-axis when the user scrolls the data
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComMisc OLEexUpdateRangeOnScroll to 0
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Volume"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the padding for labels and title of the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueAxisPad to 16
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size (height for horizontal axis and width for vertical axis) to display the category-axis (line and ticks)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueAxisSize to 16
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComOffsetLabel of hoValueAxis to "16,16"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the padding for labels and title of the category-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexCategoryAxisPad to 16
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size (height for horizontal axis and width for vertical axis) to display the category-axis (line and ticks)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexCategoryAxisSize to 16
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
		Set ComOffsetLabel of hoCategoryAxis to "0,-16"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the minimum/maximum portion (as a proportion of major unit, as a numeric-value between 0 and 1) to extend the axis before the first/after the last value of the serie (minimum, maximum value)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEextVisibleBeforeAxis to 1
	Set ComMisc OLEextVisibleAfterAxis to 1
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the number of digits to appear after the decimal point (as it is)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexDigits to -1
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410.1211,1390.8999,331.3421,276.8991,225.0023,213.2231" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the number of digits to appear after the decimal point

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexDigits to 3
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410.1211,1390.8999,331.3421,276.8991,225.0023,213.2231" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the inferior and superior limits of the number of major-unit intervals an axis can display

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexRangeMajorUnits to "2"
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the base major-units alternatives (separated by comma) the control uses to calculate the major-unit for the axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexBaseMajorUnits to "5"
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the tooltips to show on category-axis, when the crosshair intersects the category-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
		Set ComCursorFormat of hoValueAxis to "``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCursorFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "`<b><fgcolor F0F0F0> ` + value + ` `"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
			Set ComCursorFormat of hoSerie to "%V0 +`° - ` + %V1 + `°`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "green"
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComSerieTooltipBackColor of hoCursor to "black"
		Set ComSerieTooltipForeColor of hoCursor to "rgb(254,254,254)"
		Set ComTooltipPad of hoCursor to 4
		Set ComShowCursorValueLine of hoCursor to False
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the configuration options to show the grid lines and labels between for the overview panel

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value / 1000000"
		Set ComMajorUnit of hoValueAxis to 50000000
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComOverviewGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "`<fgcolor red><b>` + (value left 4)"
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "red"
			Set ComStyle of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 1
			Set ComWidth of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Volume" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add additional grid-lines for categories

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value = `Pakistan`"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
			Set ComWidth of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 2
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComSkip of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 1
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "lime"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Add grid-lines for categories

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "lime"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shifts horizontally or vertically the labels relative to their original positions

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Set ComOffsetLabel of hoCategoryAxis to "0,-22"
		Set ComTfi of hoCategoryAxis to "<fgcolor red> bold"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "lime"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Combines/Merges categories sharing consecutive names according to the Format property

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComVisible of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxes
	Get ComCategoryAxes to voCategoryAxes
	Handle hoCategoryAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxes)) to hoCategoryAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxes to voCategoryAxes
		Variant voCategoryAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoCategoryAxes "Winter,Winter,Spring,Spring,Spring,Summer,Summer,Summer,Autumn,Autumn,Autumn,Winter" Nothing to voCategoryAxis1
		Handle hoCategoryAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis1 to voCategoryAxis1
			Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis1 to "value"
			Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis1 to True
			Variant voGridLinesOptions
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis1 to voGridLinesOptions
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
				Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
		Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxes
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "lime"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Combines/Merges categories sharing consecutive names according to the Format property

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "dateS(value left 7) format `MMM`"
		Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis to True
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the category-axis's background color

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComVisible of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxes
	Get ComCategoryAxes to voCategoryAxes
	Handle hoCategoryAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxes)) to hoCategoryAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxes to voCategoryAxes
		Variant voCategoryAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoCategoryAxes "Winter,Winter,Spring,Spring,Spring,Summer,Summer,Summer,Autumn,Autumn,Autumn,Winter" Nothing to voCategoryAxis1
		Handle hoCategoryAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis1 to voCategoryAxis1
			Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis1 to "value"
			Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis1 to True
			Set ComTfi of hoCategoryAxis1 to "bold"
			Set ComColor of hoCategoryAxis1 to 14474460
		Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxes
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Jan(-4 2), Feb(-3 4), Mar(1 10), Apr(5 16), May(10 21), Jun(13 25), Jul(15 28), Aug(14 27), Sep(10 22), Oct(5 15), Nov(0 7), Dec(-3 3)" "Romania" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComDock of hoLegend to OLEexLeft
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, size, style, skip and step configuration options of the major ticks to be shown on the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoCategoryAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComColor of hoTickOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoTickOptions to 4
			Set ComStyle of hoTickOptions to 0
			Set ComSkip of hoTickOptions to 3
			Set ComStep of hoTickOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "green"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, size, style, skip and step configuration options of the major grid-lines to be shown by the value-axis on the chart panel

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoGridLinesOptions to 4
			Set ComStyle of hoGridLinesOptions to 0
			Set ComSkip of hoGridLinesOptions to 3
			Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "green"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, size and style to display the line of the category-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voLineOptions
		Get ComAxisLine of hoCategoryAxis to voLineOptions
		Handle hoLineOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions to voLineOptions
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoLineOptions to 2
			Set ComStyle of hoLineOptions to 0
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "green"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the rotation angle (in degrees) for the title and labels of the category-axis, in 'labels,title' format

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComAngle of hoCategoryAxis to "-90"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "green"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the title of the category-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComTitle of hoCategoryAxis to "<b>Range-Temperature"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "green"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the font attributes to apply on the title and labels of the category-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Set ComTfi of hoCategoryAxis to "<fgcolor red> Tahoma 7 bold"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the direction of the category axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Set ComReverse of hoCategoryAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Aligns the category-axis to bottom/right or top/left side of the view

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Set ComAlign of hoCategoryAxis to OLEexAlignLeft
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the category axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Set ComVisible of hoCategoryAxis to False
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the labels to show on category axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "(index < 2 ? `<b>` : `<fgcolor gray>`) + value"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the categories (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "China(1410),India(1390),United States(331),Indonesia(276),Pakistan(225),Brazil(213),Nigeria(211),Bangladesh(166),Russia(145),Mexico(130)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the categories (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "China,India,United States,Indonesia,Pakistan,Brazil,Nigeria,Bangladesh,Russia,Mexico"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1410,1390,331,276,225,213,211,166,145,130" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds multiple category-axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxes
	Get ComCategoryAxes to voCategoryAxes
	Handle hoCategoryAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxes)) to hoCategoryAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxes to voCategoryAxes
		Variant voCategoryAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoCategoryAxes "Winter,Winter,Spring,Spring,Spring,Summer,Summer,Summer,Autumn,Autumn,Autumn,Winter" Nothing to voCategoryAxis1
		Handle hoCategoryAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis1 to voCategoryAxis1
			Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis1 to "value"
			Set ComSplit of hoCategoryAxis1 to True
			Set ComTfi of hoCategoryAxis1 to "bold"
			Variant voGridLinesOptions1
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis1 to voGridLinesOptions1
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
				Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions1 to "black"
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxes
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value + `°`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Jan(5 15), Feb(6 16), Mar(8 18), Apr(10 20), May(13 23), Jun(17 28), Jul(20 32), Aug(20 32), Sep(18 28), Oct(14 23), Nov(9 17), Dec(6 15)" "Spain" to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Jan(-4 2), Feb(-3 4), Mar(1 10), Apr(5 16), May(10 21), Jun(13 25), Jul(15 28), Aug(14 27), Sep(10 22), Oct(5 15), Nov(0 7), Dec(-3 3)" "Romania" to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "RangeColumn"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComDock of hoLegend to OLEexLeft
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Redefines the major-unit of the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComMajorUnit of hoValueAxis to 1000
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Redefines the margins/limits of the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComMin of hoValueAxis to -100
		Set ComMax of hoValueAxis to 6000
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the start/end position of the value-axis (relative to full axis)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "p" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis to 0.75
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "a" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis1 to 0.25
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis1 to False
			Set ComColorChart of hoValueAxis1 to 16119285
			Set ComReverse of hoValueAxis1 to True
			Variant voGridLinesOptions
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis1 to voGridLinesOptions
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
				Set ComWidth of hoGridLinesOptions to 0
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions1
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions1
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions1 to voGridLinesOptions1
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions1 to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "p"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the tooltips to show on value-axis, when the crosshair hovers the chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format `0`"
		Set ComCursorFormat of hoValueAxis to "value format `0`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the tooltip that's shown over the value-axis, while cursor hovers the serie

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComCursorFormat of hoValueAxis to "``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shifts horizontally or vertically the labels relative to their original positions

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComOffsetLabel of hoValueAxis to "4,8"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color to apply on the chart's background right to the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComColorChart of hoValueAxis to "red"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the value-axis's background color

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComColor of hoValueAxis to "red"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, size, style, skip and step configuration options of the major grid-lines to be shown by the value-axis on the chart panel

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoGridLinesOptions to 4
			Set ComStyle of hoGridLinesOptions to 0
			Set ComSkip of hoGridLinesOptions to 3
			Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, size, style, skip and step configuration options of the major ticks to be shown on the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoValueAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComColor of hoTickOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoTickOptions to 4
			Set ComStyle of hoTickOptions to 0
			Set ComSkip of hoTickOptions to 3
			Set ComStep of hoTickOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, size and style to display the line of the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voLineOptions
		Get ComAxisLine of hoValueAxis to voLineOptions
		Handle hoLineOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions to voLineOptions
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoLineOptions to 2
			Set ComStyle of hoLineOptions to 0
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Converts the serie's values to [0,1] range, as percentages (the values area always numbers between 0 and 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value * 100 + `%`"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the rotation angle (in degrees) for the title and labels of the axis, in 'labels,title' format

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAngle of hoValueAxis to "-90,-90"
		Set ComTitle of hoValueAxis to "<b>mil"
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value ? value format `0` : ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the title of the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComTitle of hoValueAxis to "<b>mil"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the font attributes to apply on the title and labels of the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComTfi of hoValueAxis to "<fgcolor red> Tahoma 10 bold"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the direction of the value axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComReverse of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Aligns the value-axis to bottom/right or top/left side of the view

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAlign of hoValueAxis to OLEexAlignRight
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the labels of the value axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value ? `<c><b>` + (value format `0`) + `</b><br><c><fgcolor lightgray>mil` : ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Customizes the labels of the value axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value ? (value format `0`) + ` mil` : ``"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the value-axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis to False
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the position of value-axis (click to change the value-axis's position)
// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComItem of hoValueAxes "a" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComPosition of hoValueAxis to 0
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxes1
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes1
	Handle hoValueAxes1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes1
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes1 to voValueAxes1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "p" to Nothing
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "a" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComColor of hoValueAxis1 to "teal"
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes1
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "p"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Access the value-axis giving its name (click to change the value-axis's background)
// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComItem of hoValueAxes "a" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComColorChart of hoValueAxis to 16119285
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes
	Send ComRefresh

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxes1
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes1
	Handle hoValueAxes1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes1
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes1 to voValueAxes1
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "p" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis1 to 0.25
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
		Variant voValueAxis2
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "a" to voValueAxis2
		Handle hoValueAxis2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis2
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis2 to voValueAxis2
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis2 to 0.25
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis2 to False
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis2
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes1
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "p"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the name of the value axis to use

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 18
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "pop-ax" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComName of hoValueAxis to "pop-ax"
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis to 0.25
			Set ComAlign of hoValueAxis to OLEexAlignLeft
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "area-ax" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComName of hoValueAxis1 to "area-ax"
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis1 to 0.25
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis1 to False
			Set ComColorChart of hoValueAxis1 to 16119285
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "pop-ax"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "area-ax"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComDock of hoLegend to OLEexLeft
		Set ComAlign of hoLegend to OLEexStart
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Remove a value-axis (click to remove the first value-axis)

// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Send ComRemove of hoValueAxes 0
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxes1
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes1
	Handle hoValueAxes1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes1
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes1 to voValueAxes1
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "p" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis to 0.25
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "a" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis1 to 0.25
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis1 to False
			Set ComColorChart of hoValueAxis1 to 16119285
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes1
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "p"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Remove all value-axes (click to clear the value-axes)

// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Send ComClear of hoValueAxes
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxes1
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes1
	Handle hoValueAxes1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes1
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes1 to voValueAxes1
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "p" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis to 0.25
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes1 "a" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis1 to 0.25
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis1 to False
			Set ComColorChart of hoValueAxis1 to 16119285
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes1
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "p"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds multiple value-axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "p" to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis to 0.25
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "a" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis1 to 0.25
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis1 to False
			Set ComColorChart of hoValueAxis1 to 16119285
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Asia,Africa,Europe,North America,Antarctica,South America,Australia/Oceania"
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4600,1300,747,579,0,422,42" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Population"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie to "p"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexLineSize to 3
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "4458,3037,1018,2470,1784,1018,856" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Area"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "a"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the foreground color to show the visible values within the control's legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComBackground OLEexLegendLabel to (RGB(0,0,1))
	Set ComBackground OLEexLegendSymbol to (RGB(0,0,1))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Area"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Population"
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines a different background color to show the visible values within the control's legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComBackground OLEexLegendUnit to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Area"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Population"
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines a different background color to show the hidden values within the control's legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComBackground OLEexLegendUnitHidden to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Area"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Population"
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the foreground color to show the hidden values within the control's legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComBackground OLEexLegendLabelHidden to (RGB(220,220,220))
	Set ComBackground OLEexLegendSymbolHidden to (RGB(220,220,220))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Area"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Population"
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides a symbol or item of the legend by code

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "Area"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "Population"
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the percentage of transparency for displaying tooltips on series

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexSerieCursorTooltipTransparent to (RGB(75,0,0))
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the percentage of transparency for displaying tooltips on axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexAxisCursorTooltipTransparent to (RGB(75,0,0))
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the percent of transparency to show the overview-selection (0 indicates opaque, 50% indicates semi-transparent, and 100% indicates fully transparent)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelTransparent to (RGB(75,0,0))
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the color to show the overview's selection (EBN color)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSel to |CI$1000000
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the color to show the overview's selection (solid color)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSel to |CI$10000ff
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the color to show the overview's selection

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSel to (RGB(255,0,0))
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the overview's background

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelOut to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the visual-appearance to display the left/right parts outside of the overview-selection

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelOut to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds left/ resize-margins of the overview's selection to resize it (EBN)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelResize to |CI$1000000
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Adds left/ resize-margins of the overview's selection to resize it

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelResize to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the colors to show the value's tooltip

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackground OLEexToolTipBackColor to (RGB(1,0,0))
	Set ComBackground OLEexToolTipForeColor to (RGB(255,255,255))
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to OLEexPoint
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Changes the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackground OLEexToolTipAppearance to |CI$1000000
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to OLEexPoint
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate